Videomatica | Frequently Asked Questions


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About the Collection


Using the collection for course or educational purposes



About the Collection


What is in the Videomatica film collection at UBC?

The collection consists of over 30,000 titles in a range of formats – DVD, Blu-ray and VHS. The collection includes feature films, literary adaptations, cult and art films, television series, foreign films from more than 75 countries, Canadian works and selections from the Vancouver International Film Festival. Browse the UBC Library Videomatica collection online.


Can I still purchase items from Videomatica Sales?

Yes, Videomatica offers DVDs and Blu-rays for purchase through their storefront on Fourth Avenue (next to Zulu Records). Visit their website for more information. 


Will there be new additions added to the Videomatica collection?

New films are being added to the Videomatica collection that reflects its unique focus.  


How is this Videomatica collection different than the one at SFU Library?

While UBC Library acquired the feature film part of the Videomatica collection, SFU Library acquired its documentary collection, which consists of about 2,300 DVDs and 500 VHS films. Browse its collection online.


How can I search for items in the collection?

There are several ways to search for items in the Videomatica collection.

  1. Visit and do a keyword search for “videomatica” in the Library catalogue.
  2. Do an advanced search in the library catalogue by entering “videomatica” AND another keyword, such as “horror” or “anime.” You can then narrow your search by selecting a date, or Format such as “video recording”
  3. If you want to search for a format specific Videomatica item, do the same search as above, only enter the format “VHS” or “DVD” into your search.





How can I borrow DVDs from the Videomatica collection?

Items from the collection can be borrowed via the Circulation Desk on Floor 3 (main floor) of Koerner Library with a valid UBC card. Just bring the call number to the desk and staff will retrieve the item for you.


How can I borrow VHS tapes from the Videomatica collection?

Please note that requests for Videomatica VHS tapes cannot be processed immediately. Requests will be filled by the circulation staff 3 or 4 times per day.

Items from the collection can be borrowed via the Circulation Desk on Floor 3 (main floor) of Koerner Library with a valid UBC card. Just bring the call number to the desk and staff will notify you when the item is available.

Please note that requests for Videomatica VHS tapes will be retrieved up to 1 hour before Koerner library closes.


How long can I take out the materials from this collection?

All items in the Videomatica collection can be borrowed on 7-day loan, unless they have been placed on reserve for a UBC course. Items can be renewed up to 10 times unless another user has placed a request on an item. A maximum of 10 items in the collection can be borrowed at one time.


Can I put a recall on an item if it is currently checked out?

Yes. If a title is signed out, bring up the record in the Library Catalogue and click on “Place a Request: Recall” to recall the item. Please note: Videomatica items will not be sent to Robson Square or B.C. Children’s and Women’s Health Centre (BCCW).


Can I request materials from the collection and have them delivered to another UBC campus? How long will it take?

All items in the Videomatica collection, except those on course reserve, can be delivered to UBC Okanagan and VGH Biomedical Branch via the Library’s Document Delivery service. Community borrowers requesting items be delivered to VGH Biomedical Branch will be charged $5.00 per item.  Request online via the item record. It will take 2-3 days depending on when the request is made. Videomatica items will not be sent to Robson Square or B.C. Children’s and Women’s Health Centre (BCCW). 



I don’t have a machine that can view VHS videos – where can I view these on campus?

Koerner Library has the equipment required to view all formats within the collection. Viewing stations are located in the Koerner Reserves area on Floor 3. Additional equipment is available in the Digital Media Commons in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.


I am not a current UBC faculty, staff or student member, but would like to borrow materials from the Videomatica collection. What are my options?

You can purchase a Community Borrower Card, which will allow you to borrow items from the Videomatica collection, as well as the general UBC Library collection. Community Borrower cards can be purchased for 4-month, 8-month, and 1-year terms. For details regarding costs and application process visit the Library’s Borrowing Services page. Please note that items on course reserve cannot be borrowed.

If you are affiliated with another B.C. public post-secondary educational institution, you may be able to request a viewing of a Videomatica collection item through your institution’s library. All audio visual items, including those in the Videomatica collection, are not accessible via interlibrary loan.




Using the collection for course or educational purposes


As a faculty instructor, how can I use the Videomatica collection in my course

You can show any of the titles in a classroom for educational purposes. If you want a title to be available for a specific show date, please place a media booking request using the media booking form.

You can place any of the titles on course reserve in the same way as you do a book.


Can I screen any of the films in the collection for my UBC student club or event?
Can I screen any of the films in the collection in a UBC residence common room?

It depends on the purpose for screening the film. If it is for educational purposes under Section 29.5 of the Canadian Copyright Act, the answer would be yes. The majority of the audience must be UBC students and no admission can be charged. If the purpose is for entertainment, then the film must have either non-theatrical public performance rights or be covered by one of the University’s feature film licenses. Check the online catalogs of the two distributors below; if the title is there, you can screen the film. If not, you cannot screen the film for entertainment purposes without a license from the distributor.

If the film is covered by the feature film license, you may only advertise the screening in media targeting the UBC community.


I am a community borrower. Can I screen any of the films for my club, non-profit organization or event?

Under the Canadian Copyright Act, you need non-theatrical public performance rights to show a DVD in a public space. The films in the Videomatica collection only have home use rights. As a Community Borrower, you would need to obtain a license from the distributor to screen them.
