Project MUSE kicks off its fifteenth year of providing libraries with the best humanities and social science content from the not-for-profit publishing community by welcoming ten new participating publishers. To date, twenty new titles are confirmed for inclusion in the Project MUSE electronic journal collections for the 2011 subscription term. MUSE also continues to grow its archival coverage for many participating journals. Project MUSE pricing for 2011 has also been finalized.
Publishers new to MUSE for 2011 include the Society of Biblical Literature, the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, and the National Association of Professors of Hebrew, among others. Eight of MUSE’s long-time participating publishers, including the Duke University Press, Indiana University Press, University of Illinois Press, and University of North Carolina Press, are contributing new journal titles to the MUSE collections. In addition to the twenty currently confirmed new titles (see list below), approximately ten further titles are expected to join MUSE for 2011, and will be announced shortly.
The 2011 additions supplement a collection now offering current and archival content from over 450 respected, peer-reviewed journals. MUSE recently announced the inclusion of 14 additional titles to come online during the current 2010 subscription term (see details at MUSE now partners with more than 100 not-for-profit university presses, scholarly societies, and other independent publishers to make their content available digitally through our several interdisciplinary collections.
Project MUSE’s initiative to incorporate back issues from many participating journals continues to grow. With the release of back issue content from six more titles in late June, there are now more than 60 journals offering complete archival coverage, from the first volume and issue, in MUSE. Nearly 100 titles have committed to participate in the MUSE back issues program to date, and all archival content will be made available to current subscribers to applicable titles at no additional charge.
In recognition of the continuing effects of the economic climate on our subscribing libraries, MUSE is once again moderating price increases for 2011 while incorporating new content into all collections. Rates for MUSE’s Premium Collection, a comprehensive, growth-oriented collection that includes all new titles added to MUSE each year, will increase by 6%. Prices for the MUSE Standard and Humanities Collections will increase by 4%, while the Basic Research and Basic College collections will see increases of 2%. There will be no price increase for the MUSE Social Sciences Collection. Complete 2011 pricing and collection information will be posted on the MUSE web site by early August.
New MUSE Titles/Publishers for 2011:
Center for Korean Studies, University of Washington:
Journal of Korean Studies
Center of Latin American Studies, University of Kansas:
Latin American Theatre Review
Duke University Press:
Minnesota Review
Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art
Indiana University Press:
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review
International Association of Galdos Scholars:
Anales Galdosianos
The Johns Hopkins University Press:
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics
Wallace Stevens Journal
Kentucky Historical Society:
Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
Midwest Modern Language Association:
Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
National Association of Professors of Hebrew:
Hebrew Studies
National Bureau of Asian Research:
Asia Policy
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association:
Rocky Mountain Review
Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study:
Scandinavian Studies
Society of Biblical Literature:
Journal of Biblical Literature
University of Hawaii Press:
Journal of East Asian Cultural and Historical Studies
University of Illinois Press:
Packingtown Review
University of North Carolina Press:
The Journal of the Civil War Era
University of Toronto Press:
Toronto Journal of Theology
University of Wisconsin Press:
Landscape Journal: design, planning, and management of the land