As of January 5, 2015
If the title has a call number it indicates that the print or microform version of the journal has been cancelled; titles may be available online, check the catalogue for other formats.
For feedback about the collections cost reduction strategy, please contact us.
Branch | Title | Call number |
David Lam Library | Academy of management journal | HD28 .A2 |
David Lam Library | Academy of Management review. | HD28.A2 R48 |
David Lam Library | Accounting review. | HF5601 .A2 |
David Lam Library | Administrative science quarterly. | HD28 .A25 |
David Lam Library | Appraisal journal. | HD251 .A75 |
David Lam Library | Canadian grocer. | TX343 .C25 |
David Lam Library | Canadian shipper. | HE1 .C3 |
David Lam Library | Contact Toronto. | HD2346.C22 T676 |
David Lam Library | Containerisation international. | TA1215 .C67 |
David Lam Library | Financial analysts journal. | HG4501 .F5 |
David Lam Library | Institutional investor. | HG4501 .I58 |
David Lam Library | ISACA journal. | HF5667 .I8 |
David Lam Library | Journal of accounting, auditing & finance. | HF5601 .J733 |
David Lam Library | Journal of advertising. | HF5801 .J55 A38 |
David Lam Library | Maritime Economics & Logistics | ONLINE |
David Lam Library | Purchasing b2b. | HF5437 .M62 |
David Lam Library | Real estate finance. | HD1361 .R423 |
David Lam Library | Strategic finance. — | HF5601 .N2 |
Koerner Library | ABA banking journal. | HG1501.B62 A44 |
Koerner Library | Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales / publie avec le concours de la Maison des sciences de l’homme et de l’Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales. | H1.A33 R43 |
Koerner Library | Agricultural science : the journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science. | S1.A78 S35 |
Koerner Library | Al-Qantara. — | DP102 .A62 |
Koerner Library | Alternate routes. | HM1.A46 R69 |
Koerner Library | American Benedictine review. | BX3001 .A55 |
Koerner Library | American poetry review. | PN1010.A54 P64 |
Koerner Library | American scholar. | AP2 .A465 |
Koerner Library | Annales de Normandie. | DC611.N841 A74 |
Koerner Library | Annali. | DG401.F6 L8 |
Koerner Library | Annee balzacienne. | PQ2177.A2 A7 |
Koerner Library | Antipodes. | PR9500 .A584 |
Koerner Library | Arbor. | AP60 .A6 |
Koerner Library | Archives de philosophie. | B1 .A72 |
Koerner Library | Archives de sciences sociales des religions. | BL1 .A7 |
Koerner Library | Archives d’histoire doctrinale et litteraire du moyen age. | B720 .A7 |
Koerner Library | Archivio storico lombardo. | DG651 .A6 |
Koerner Library | Asian ethnology. | GR330 .F6 |
Koerner Library | Atenea. | AP63 .A73 |
Koerner Library | Atlante linguistico italiano / materiali raccolti da U. Pellis … [et al.] ; redatto da L. Massobrio … [et al.]. | G1989.21.E3 A74 1995 |
Koerner Library | Atlantic monthly. | AP2 .A8 |
Koerner Library | Banker. | HG1501 .B2 |
Koerner Library | Base line. — | Z675.M3 B274 |
Koerner Library | Basic petroleum data book : petroleum industry statistics. — | HD9564 .A447 |
Koerner Library | Beitrage zur Militargeschichte. | |
Koerner Library | Beitrage zur Namenforschung. | P769 .B45 |
Koerner Library | Berkeley journal of sociology. | HM1 .B4 |
Koerner Library | Bibliografiia rossiiskoi bibliografii / Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata. | Z1002 .B586 |
Koerner Library | Bruniana & campanelliana : ricerche filosofiche e materiali storico-testuali. | B783.Z7 A13 |
Koerner Library | Bulletin bibliographique de la Societe internationale arthurienne. Bibliographical bulletin of the International Arthurian Society. | ZPR255 .I5 |
Koerner Library | Bulletin de l’Institut international de statistique. | HA11 .I5 |
Koerner Library | Bulletin des bibliotheques de France. | Z671 .B8 |
Koerner Library | Bulletin of statistics / Statistics South Africa. | HA1991 .B86 |
Koerner Library | Business economics | ONLINE |
Koerner Library | Cahiers de Linguistiques d Ottawa | |
Koerner Library | Cahiers d’etudes africaines. | DT1 .C32 |
Koerner Library | Canadian Alpine journal. | F5025.R6 C2 |
Koerner Library | Canadian issues = Themes canadiens. | FC95 .C38 |
Koerner Library | Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice = Revue canadienne de criminologie a justice penale. | HV6001 .C3 |
Koerner Library | Canadian journal of philosophy. | B1.C35 J68 |
Koerner Library | Canadian journal on aging = La revue canadienne du vieillissement. — | HV1475 .C36 |
Koerner Library | Canadian labour reporter. | HD6971.C45 L32 |
Koerner Library | Canadian parliamentary review. | JL1.C353 P27 |
Koerner Library | Canadian review of comparative literature. Revue canadienne de litterature comparee. | PN851.C35 R48 |
Koerner Library | Carbon market news | |
Koerner Library | Casopis za suvremenu povijest. | DR301.C36 S88 |
Koerner Library | Catholic library world. | Z671 .C3 |
Koerner Library | Censimento dei codici petrarcheschi. | Z8676 .C46 |
Koerner Library | Central Asiatic journal. | DS785.A1 C4 |
Koerner Library | Chasqui. | PQ7081 .C427 |
Koerner Library | Chicago review. | AP2 .C463 |
Koerner Library | China review. | HC427 .C46 |
Koerner Library | CHINOPERL : journal of Chinese oral & performing literature. | PL2253 .C65 |
Koerner Library | Cineaste. | PN1993 .C5177 |
Koerner Library | Citeaux; commentarii cistercienses. | BX3401 .C574 |
Koerner Library | Classical world. | PA1 .C8 |
Koerner Library | CNQ : Canadian notes and queries. | AG305.C35 N68 |
Koerner Library | Collectanea franciscana. | BX7372 .C62 |
Koerner Library | Communication, politics and culture | |
Koerner Library | Comparative romance linguistics bibliographies. | |
Koerner Library | Computers in libraries. | Z678.9.A1 S6 |
Koerner Library | Connotations. | PR1.C65 M85 |
Koerner Library | Conrad Grebel review. | BL1.C667 G74 |
Koerner Library | Consumer reports. | TX335.A1 C6 |
Koerner Library | Contemporary women’s issues. | |
Koerner Library | Contexts. | H62.A1 C664 |
Koerner Library | Country reports | |
Koerner Library | Critique; revue generale des publications francaises et etrangeres. | Z1007 .C8 |
Koerner Library | CRNLE journal | PR8880 .C48 |
Koerner Library | Cultural survival quarterly. | GN357 .C857 |
Koerner Library | Current digest of the Chinese press | |
Koerner Library | Current politics and economics of Russia, Eastern and Central Europe. | JN6598.K4 I5542 |
Koerner Library | Devoir. | AN5 .D48 |
Koerner Library | Dialogues d’histoire ancienne. | D51 .H58 |
Koerner Library | Discover. | Q1 .D57 |
Koerner Library | Early modern women | |
Koerner Library | Early Theatre journal | |
Koerner Library | East Asia journal : studies in material culture. | GN625 .E17 |
Koerner Library | East Asian history. | DS511 .E17 |
Koerner Library | EDUCAUSE review. | Q223.A1 E3 |
Koerner Library | Ekonomika i zhizn’. | |
Koerner Library | Energy journal / International Association of Energy Economists. — | HD9502.A1 E536 |
Koerner Library | English and American studies in German. | PR96 .E55 |
Koerner Library | Espace geographique. | G1.E86 G46 |
Koerner Library | Esprit. | AP20 .E78 |
Koerner Library | Etudes anglaises : Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis. | PR1 .E8 |
Koerner Library | Eudora Welty review. | PS3545.E57 Z722 |
Koerner Library | Eurasian geography and economics. | G1 .S86 |
Koerner Library | Europa world of learning. | AS2 .W6 |
Koerner Library | Event management. | G155.A1 F478 |
Koerner Library | Expedition. | CC1 .E9 |
Koerner Library | Explorations in Renaissance culture. | CB361 .E9 |
Koerner Library | Faulkner journal. | PS3511.A9 F38 |
Koerner Library | Feminist collections. | Z688.W65 F46 |
Koerner Library | Film Ireland. | PN1993.5.I73 F455 |
Koerner Library | Financial times.. | AW1 .R4926 |
Koerner Library | Focus on international library and information work. | Z672 .F63 |
Koerner Library | Fonti per la storia d’Italia pubblicate dall’ Istituto storico Italiano per l’eta moderna e contemporanea. | |
Koerner Library | Foreign affairs | D410 .F6 |
Koerner Library | Forschungen und quellen zur kirchen- und kulturgeschichte ostdeutschlands. | |
Koerner Library | Forum italicum. | PQ4001.F5 F67 |
Koerner Library | Fulltext sources online / BiblioData. | Z674.3 .F855 |
Koerner Library | Futurist. | CB160.F87 J68 |
Koerner Library | Gay & lesbian review worldwide. | HQ75 .H37 |
Koerner Library | Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. | LB1641.A1 G3 |
Koerner Library | Global financial stability report. | HG4523 .W54 |
Koerner Library | Governments Canada. | JL71 .G683 |
Koerner Library | Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies. | DE1 .G75 |
Koerner Library | Guardian weekly. | AP4 .M25 |
Koerner Library | Guardian. | AW1 .R-5472 |
Koerner Library | Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains. — | D731 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Hawaiian journal of history. | DU620 .H46 |
Koerner Library | Herodote. — | JC319 .H47 |
Koerner Library | Homme : revue francaise d’anthropologie / publiee par l’Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. | GN1 .H64 |
Koerner Library | Horizons. | LB1047 .A362 |
Koerner Library | Hudson review. | AP2 .H886 |
Koerner Library | Illuministi italiani. | PQ4249.A7 V4 |
Koerner Library | IMF Economic Review | ONLINE |
Koerner Library | Index to theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by the universities of Great Britain and Ireland and the Council for National Academic Awards. | Z5055.G69 A84 |
Koerner Library | Innovations | |
Koerner Library | International forum for logotherapy. | WB460.E8 I584 |
Koerner Library | International journal of Canadian studies = Revue internationale d’etudes canadiennes. | FC1.I58 J68 |
Koerner Library | International journal of comparative psychology. | BF1.I58 J686 |
Koerner Library | International journal of maritime history. | VK15 .I584 |
Koerner Library | International journal of sociology of the family. | HQ1.I57 J67 |
Koerner Library | International journal. | D410 .I54 |
Koerner Library | International review of modern sociology. | HM1 .I574 |
Koerner Library | International review of victimology. | HV6250 .I584 |
Koerner Library | Itinerari di ricerca storica. — | DG401 .I845 |
Koerner Library | Izvestiia. | AW1 .R-4518 |
Koerner Library | JBSP : the journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. | B829.5 .B69 |
Koerner Library | Journal for the history of astronomy. | QB15.J6 H5 |
Koerner Library | Journal of athletic training. | QT260 .J687 |
Koerner Library | Journal of Austrian studies | PT3810 .I52 |
Koerner Library | Journal of Canadian studies = Revue d’etudes canadiennes. | F5001 .J6 |
Koerner Library | Journal of Chinese linguistics. | PL1001.J68 C44 |
Koerner Library | Journal of collective negotiations in the public sector. | HD8001 .J697 |
Koerner Library | Journal of family and consumer sciences. | TX1 .J7 |
Koerner Library | Journal of international political theory | |
Koerner Library | Journal of language, literature and culture. | PB1 .A2 |
Koerner Library | Journal of official statistics. | HA1.J68 O445 |
Koerner Library | Journal of psychohistory. | HQ750.A1 H588 |
Koerner Library | Journal of sociology and social welfare. | HN1 .J63 |
Koerner Library | Journal of symbolic logic. | BC1 .J6 |
Koerner Library | Journal of the Southwest. | F806 .A69 |
Koerner Library | Journalism and mass communication quarterly. | PN4700 .J6 |
Koerner Library | Keesing’s record of world events. | D410 .K4 |
Koerner Library | Kenyon review. | AP2 .K426 |
Koerner Library | Kinema. | PN1561 .K56 |
Koerner Library | Kirchliches Jahrbuch fur die evangelische Kirche in Deutschland. | BX8020.A2 K5 |
Koerner Library | Knizhnaia letopis / Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata. | Z2491 .K53 |
Koerner Library | Krschners deutscher gelehrten-kalender. | |
Koerner Library | Lambda book report. | PN56.H57 L36 |
Koerner Library | Langue francaise. | PC2002.L35 F73 |
Koerner Library | Letopis avtoreferatov dissertatsii / Rossiiskaia knizhnaia palata. | Z2491.K52 A96 |
Koerner Library | Letopis retsenzii. | Z2495 .L65 |
Koerner Library | Letras femeninas. | PQ6048.W6 L47 |
Koerner Library | Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens : Lgb / herausgegeben von Severin Corsten, Gunther Pflug und Friedrich Adolf Schmidt-Kunsemuller, unter Mitwirkung von Bernhard Bischoff … [et al.]. . | Z1006 .L464 |
Koerner Library | Libri | |
Koerner Library | Linguistique. | P1 .L59 |
Koerner Library | Literary review. | AP2 .L592 |
Koerner Library | Literature/film quarterly. | PN1993 .L584 |
Koerner Library | Lithic technology. | GN799.T6 N55 |
Koerner Library | Loisir et societe. Society and leisure. | GV1.L65 S62 |
Koerner Library | Magasin du XIXe siecle. | PN603 .D4952 |
Koerner Library | Manoa. | PS501 .M256 |
Koerner Library | Massachusetts review. | AP2 .M35 |
Koerner Library | Mayab. | F1435.A1 M39 |
Koerner Library | Meeting handbook. | P121 .L55 |
Koerner Library | Mennonite historian. | FC106 .M45 |
Koerner Library | Midcontinental journal of archaeology = Mcja. | CC1.M54 J68 |
Koerner Library | Millennium film journal. — | PN1993 .M455 |
Koerner Library | Mineral commodity summaries. | HD9506.U6 A216 |
Koerner Library | MLA newsletter. | P1.M63 M43 |
Koerner Library | Modern age. | AP2 .M53 |
Koerner Library | Moderna spraak. | PB1 .M77 |
Koerner Library | Monde. | AW1 .R-3375 |
Koerner Library | Moscow news. | |
Koerner Library | Munchener historische Studien. [Abteilung bayerische Geschichte]. | |
Koerner Library | National geographic. | G1 .N27 |
Koerner Library | Natural resources journal. | HC10 .N3 |
Koerner Library | Near East report. | DS41 .N4 |
Koerner Library | Neva | |
Koerner Library | New England review. | PN2 .N48 |
Koerner Library | New internationalist. | D839 .I64 |
Koerner Library | New Jersey history. | F131 .N58 |
Koerner Library | New York times index. | AI21 .N44 |
Koerner Library | Nihon boeki geppyo. [Kokubetsu hinbetsu] = Japan exports & imports. Country by commodity. | HF251 .J33 |
Koerner Library | Nihon boeki geppyo. Hinbetsu kokubetsu = Japan exports & imports : commodity by country. | HF251 .J32 |
Koerner Library | Northern miner. | |
Koerner Library | Northern miner. | AW1 .R-4653 |
Koerner Library | Nouvelles de la republique des lettres. | AS222.N775 A28 |
Koerner Library | Ohio Valley history : the journal of the Cincinnati Historical Society. | F486 .H579 |
Koerner Library | Oilweek. | HD9560.1 .O349 |
Koerner Library | Oktiabr | |
Koerner Library | Olympic review. | GV721.5 .O423 |
Koerner Library | Online searcher. | Z699.A1 O54 |
Koerner Library | OregonPDF in health & performance | |
Koerner Library | Oxford Language Dictionaries Online | |
Koerner Library | Palaestra. | GV445 .P252 |
Koerner Library | Pamietnik sowianski. | AP54 .P3 |
Koerner Library | Parks & recreation. | GV1 .P3 |
Koerner Library | Parliamentary names & numbers. | JL5 .P375 |
Koerner Library | Plains anthropologist. | E51 .P6 |
Koerner Library | Politique etrangere. | JA11 .P6 |
Koerner Library | Post-Soviet affairs. | HC336.25 .S694 |
Koerner Library | Pravda | AW1 .R-285 |
Koerner Library | Professional development : the international journal of continuing social work. | HV11 .P756 |
Koerner Library | Psychology and education. | BF1.P89 G45 |
Koerner Library | Psychology today. | BF1.P89 T63 |
Koerner Library | Psychotherapy networker. | HQ10 .F254 |
Koerner Library | Quaderni d’italianistica. | PQ4001.Q33 I83 |
Koerner Library | Relations industrielles. | HD6971 .R3 |
Koerner Library | Religion & literature. — | PN49 .N678 |
Koerner Library | Review of Japanese culture and society. | DS820.8 .R48 |
Koerner Library | Review of Metaphysics, a philosophical quarterly. | B1 .R35 |
Koerner Library | Revista de filologia espanola. | PQ6001 .R45 |
Koerner Library | Revue archeologique. | CC1 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Revue de l’histoire des religions. | BL1 .R48 |
Koerner Library | Revue de litterature comparee… | PN851 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Revue de metaphysique et de morale | B1 .R38 |
Koerner Library | Revue de philologie, de litterature et d’histoire anciennes. | PA2 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Revue d’histoire litteraire de la France. | PQ2 .R5 |
Koerner Library | Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine. | D1 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Revue historique. | D1 .R6 |
Koerner Library | Revue internationale de philosophie. | B1 .A24 |
Koerner Library | Revue philosophique de la France et de l’etranger. | B1 .R4 |
Koerner Library | Russian language journal. Russkii iazyk. Etudes de russe. | PG2001 .R8774 |
Koerner Library | Scandia. | DL1 .S4 |
Koerner Library | Scandinavian library quarterly. | Z822 .S35 |
Koerner Library | Semiotic review of books. | P99 .S444 |
Koerner Library | Siculorum gymnasium | AP37.S53 G95 |
Koerner Library | Slavic and East European journal. | PG1 .S66 |
Koerner Library | Slownik aciny sredniowiecznej w Polsce = Lexicon mediae et infimae latinitatis Polonorum. | PA2893 .P6 |
Koerner Library | Smithsonian. | AS30 .S6 |
Koerner Library | Social research; an international quarterly of political and social science. | H1 .S53 |
Koerner Library | Social work and Christianity. — | HN30 .S624 |
Koerner Library | Spenser review. | PR2351.A1 S6 |
Koerner Library | Studia Celtica. | PB1001 .S73 |
Koerner Library | Studii clasice. | PA25 .S65 |
Koerner Library | Style. | TT500 .S794 |
Koerner Library | Swimming world magazine. | GV771 .S93 |
Koerner Library | Tarbits. | PJ4501 .T38 |
Koerner Library | Temps modernes. | AP20 .T42 |
Koerner Library | Tibetan review. | DS786.T53 R48 |
Koerner Library | Times of India. | AN6.T54 I5 |
Koerner Library | TLS, the Times literary supplement. | AW1 .R-2495 |
Koerner Library | Tolstoy studies journal. | PG3370 .T657 |
Koerner Library | Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch. | DS901 .R6 |
Koerner Library | Triveni; journal of Indian renaissance. | DS401 .T758 |
Koerner Library | Twentieth century literature. — | PN2 .T8 |
Koerner Library | University bookman. | AP2 .U7 |
Koerner Library | Urban geography. | HT101 .U647 |
Koerner Library | Virginia quarterly review, a national journal of literature & discussion. | AP2 .V5 |
Koerner Library | Vital speeches of the day. | PN6121 .V52 |
Koerner Library | Western folklore. | GR1 .W46 |
Koerner Library | Western Pennsylvania history. | F146 .W52 |
Koerner Library | Who’s who in America. | E663 .W56 |
Koerner Library | Windspeaker. | E78.A33 A122 |
Koerner Library | Wisconsin Magazine of History. | F576 .W7 |
Koerner Library | Women and language : Wl. | P120.W66 W65 |
Koerner Library | Women’s studies journal. | HQ1101 .W6543 |
Koerner Library | Women’s Studies publications. | |
Koerner Library | Wordsworth circle. | PR1.W67 C57 |
Koerner Library | World news connection. | |
Koerner Library | World today. | D410 .W63 |
Koerner Library | XVIIe siecle. | AP20 .D54 |
Koerner Library | Yearbook. | G1 .A85 |
Koerner Library | Z magazine. | HN51 .Z15 |
Koerner Library | Zbornik za istoriju, jezik i knjizevnost srpskog naroda. 2 odeljenje. | DR303 .S6987 |
Koerner Library | Zeitschrift fuer Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie | |
Koerner Library | Zeitschrift fur celtische Philologie. | PB1001 .Z5 |
Koerner Library | Zeitschrift fur wurttembergische Landesgeschichte. | DD801.W6 Z4 |
Koerner Library | Zeitschrift. Romanistische Abtheilung. | KE102.S38 Z45 |
Koerner Library | Znamia | |
Law Library | Acts of the Victorian Parliament. — | KUG1.85 .V53 |
Law Library | Australian business law review. | KN250.A1 A87 |
Law Library | Australian law reports. | KH41 .A873 |
Law Library | Butterworths company law cases. | KD2075.A2 B87 |
Law Library | Butterworths current law. | KH351 .A272 |
Law Library | Canada valuation service / Ian R. Campbell ; contributing editors Robert W.V. Dickerson … [et al.]. — | HF5681.V3 C346 |
Law Library | Canadian insurance law reporter. | KE1145.8 .C36 |
Law Library | CCH alternative dispute resolution practice manual / co-editors, Allan J. Stitt, Richard Jackman. | KE8615 .C37 1996 |
Law Library | Code des municipalites. | KEQ822.A6 Q432 |
Law Library | Columbia journal of gender and law. | KN152.2 .C64 |
Law Library | Criminal law journal. | KM500.A1 C755 |
Law Library | European human rights reports. — | KV19.8.E876 H85 |
Law Library | Federal tax guide. | KF6285 .C658 |
Law Library | International review of intellectual property and competition law : IIC. | KN111 .I59 |
Law Library | Journal of maritime law and commerce. | KN330.J69 M37 |
Law Library | Manitoba gazette. | J2 .M2 |
Law Library | Manitoba gazette. [Part II] Regulations. | KEM71 .A24 |
Law Library | Medicine and law. | W32.6 .M445 |
Law Library | Medicine, science and the law. | W1 .ME438 |
Law Library | New South Wales law reports. | KH75.N49 S672 |
Law Library | New South Wales statutes annotations and references : being annotations to the N.S.W. public acts and cross references to other acts of N.S.W. and the Commonwealth / editors, Naida J. Haxton, Ann Thomson. — | KUC1.8 .N49 |
Law Library | New Zealand administrative reports. | KM259.A1 N48 |
Law Library | Recueil de jurisprudence du Quebec. Cour d’appel, Cour superieure, Cour provinciale, Cour des sessions de la paix, Tribunal de la jeunesse. — | KEQ110 .A243 |
Law Library | Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996 : a Revision and Consolidation of the Public General Acts of the Legislature of British Columbia proclaimed and published under authority of the Revised Statutes Act. | KEB44 1996 |
Law Library | Revue generale de droit. | K1.R48 G45 |
Law Library | Seton Hall journal of sports and entertainment law. | KN186.6 .S846 |
Law Library | Taxes ; the tax magazine. | KM352.T39 M33 |
Law Library | Torts law journal. | KN30 .T67 |
Law Library | Trade regulation reporter. — | HD2777 .C58 |
Law Library | University of Toronto law journal. | K1.U55 T6 |
Law Library | Wicks subject index to Commonwealth legislation / compiled by B. M. Wicks. | KU10 .W53 |
Law Library | Widener law journal. | KM1 .W524 |
Multidisciplinary | Academic matters : the journal of higher education, an OCUFA publication. | |
Koerner Library | Annales de Normandie. | DC611.N841 A74 |
Woodward Library | Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. Supplement. | W1 .AN5281 |
Koerner Library | Anthropologica. | E78.C2 A53 |
Woodward Library | Blue jay. | QH1 .B5 |
Koerner Library | Bulletin des bibliotheques de France. | Z671 .B8 |
Woodward Library | Bulletin of the World Health Organization = Bulletin de l’Organisation mondiale de la sante. | W2.MW6 W92 |
Koerner Library | Business Archives Council newsletter. | HC10 .B87 |
Koerner Library | Business archives. | HC10 .B8 |
Multidisciplinary | Canadian insurance law reports. [Periodical] | KN290 .C6461 |
Koerner Library | Canadian journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies = Revue canadienne des etudes latino americaines et caraibes. | F1401 .N2 |
Koerner Library | Canadian journal of linguistics. La Revue canadienne de linguistique. | P1 .C34 |
Woodward Library | Canadian water resources journal. Revue canadienne des ressources en eau. | TD388.A1 C35 |
Multidisciplinary | Cartographiti. — | GA193 .C37 |
Multidisciplinary | CCH tax planning guide | KF6297.Z9 C587 |
Multidisciplinary | Concord saunterer. | PS3053.A23 C65 |
Multidisciplinary | CPE credit service | |
Koerner Library | Dickens quarterly. — | PR4579.D49 Q38 |
Multidisciplinary | Environment & planning B. | NA9000.E59 P45 |
Multidisciplinary | Environment and planning. C, Government & policy. | H97 .E65 |
Multidisciplinary | Environment and planning. D, Society & space. — | GF41.E58 P52 |
Koerner Library | Families. | FC3055 .F287 |
Koerner Library | Feliciter. | Z673 .F34 |
Koerner Library | Florida historical quarterly. | F306 .F5 |
Multidisciplinary | International journal of legal information. | Z675.L2 I552 |
David Lam | Journal of real estate literature. | HD1361 .J685 |
David Lam Library | Journal of real estate portfolio management. | HD251 .J677 |
David Lam Library | Journal of real estate practice and education. | HD1381 .J68 |
David Lam Library | Journal of real estate research. | HD1361 .J68 |
Koerner Library | Journal of sport history. | GV571 .J68 |
Koerner Library | Kansas history. | F681 .K177 |
Koerner Library | Keesing’s names index. | D410 .K4 |
Koerner Library | Keesing’s subject index. | D410 .K4 |
Koerner Library | Knizhnaia letopis. Index. | Z2491 .K53 Index |
Koerner Library | Local historian. | DA20 .A44 |
Technical Services | Music cataloging bulletin. | ML111.M88 C38 |
Woodward Library | Nature views / Nature Saskatchewan. | |
Koerner Library | New books on women, gender and feminism. | HQ1101 .N41 |
Koerner Library | New Zealand library & information management journal = Nga purongo. | Z671 .N452 |
Koerner Library | Newsleaf / Ontario Genealogical Society. | CS1.O58 N47 |
Koerner Library | Newsletter / Canadian Association of Latin-American and Caribbean Studies = Bulletin / Association Canadienne des etudes Latino-Americaines et Caraibes. | F1409.9.C35 N48 |
Koerner Library | North Dakota history. | F631 .N8 |
Multidisciplinary | Notes. | ML27.U5 M695 |
Koerner Library | Off the record. | Z871.A4 O44 |
Koerner Library | Plains talk. | |
Koerner Library | PSMHS newsletter. | F897.P9 P93 |
David Lam Library | Railroad history. | TF1 .R25 |
David Lam Library | Railway & Locomotive Historical Society quarterly. | TF1 .R253 |
Koerner Library | Reflections / Kansas State Historical Society. | F676 .F362 |
IKBLC Library | SAH news : newsletter of the Society of Architectural Historians. | NA10.S63 N48 |
RBSC | Sea chest. | F886 .S4 |
Koerner Library | Smart libraries newsletter. | |
Koerner Library | SPEC kit / Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. | Z675.R45 S635 |
Multidisciplinary | Tax bulletin | KF6352 .T392 |
Multidisciplinary | Teacher-librarian today | LB1027.T43 L52 |
Woodward Library | Technical report series / World Health Organization. | W2.MW6 W98 |
Koerner Library | Tennessee historical quarterly. | F431 .T4 |
Law Library | Trade cases. Texts of decisions rendered by Federal and State courts throughout the United States in cases involving antitrust, Federal Trade Commission, and other trade regulation law problems, with table of cases and topical indexes. | KF1605.A2 C66 |
Law Library | Trade regulation reports. | HD2777 .C581 |
Koerner Library | Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. | AS36 .W7 |
Koerner Library | Turnbull Library record. | Z664.T8 T87 |
Koerner Library | Utah historical quarterly. | F821 .U82 |
Koerner Library | Voices. | GR1.N48 Y673 |
Woodward Library | Water news / Canadian Water Resources Association. | |
Woodward Library | Water science & technology. Water supply. | TD201 .W372 |
Woodward Library | WHO drug information. | QV1 .W462 |
Woodward Library | Wildfire : a quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Wildland Fire. | SD420.5 .H68 |
Koerner Library | Wisconsin people and ideas. | AS36 .M224 |
Woodward Library | Agricultural science : the journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science. | S1.A78 S35 |
Woodward Library | AIDS Patient Care and STDs | |
Woodward Library | AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses | |
Woodward Library | Aviation week and space technology. | TL501 .A8 |
Woodward Library | Civil engineering. | TA1 .C452 |
Woodward Library | Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology : [proceedings]. | QH301 .C6 |
Woodward Library | Concise international chemical assessment document series. | WA671 .C653 |
Woodward Library | Critical reviews in eukaryotic gene expression. | QH450 .C75 |
Woodward Library | Current protocols in immunology / edited by John E. Coligan … [et al.]. | QW525 .C877 |
Woodward Library | Current protocols in molecular biology. Updates. | QH506 .C87 |
Woodward Library | Environmental engineering science | |
Woodward Library | Enseignement mathematique. | QA1 .E6 |
Woodward Library | Flight international. | TL501 .F4 |
Woodward Library | Food technology. | TX341 .F63 |
Woodward Library | Horticulturist. — | SB315.5 .H68 |
Woodward Library | Human gene therapy | |
Woodward Library | IMS journal collection (online) | |
Woodward Library | Indian journal of agricultural sciences. | S19 .I6 |
Woodward Library | International journal of childbirth education : the official publication of the International Childbirth Education Association. | W1 .IN7325 |
Woodward Library | International journal of modern physics. D. | QB460 .I579 |
Woodward Library | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | |
Woodward Library | Journal of biological systems. | QH323.5 .J66 |
Woodward Library | Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology | |
Woodward Library | Journal of technical writing and communication. | T11.J68 T42 |
Woodward Library | Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. | QL461.E69 A11 |
Woodward Library | Journal of womens health | |
Woodward Library | Journal of wound care. | W1 .JO973 |
Woodward Library | Kami Pa Gi Kyo Shi. | TS1080 .K3 |
Woodward Library | Lancet. | W1 .LA242 |
Woodward Library | List of Serials Indexed for Online Users | |
Woodward Library | Logging & sawmilling journal. | SD1.B75 C54 |
Woodward Library | Mathematics today. | QA1.I55 B84 |
Woodward Library | Meteorological and geoastrophysical abstracts. | ZQC851 .M38 |
Woodward Library | MIDIRS Midwifery digest. | ONLINE |
Woodward Library | Mining, people and the environment. | TD195.M5 M554 |
Woodward Library | Modern physics letters. A. | QC770 .M63 |
Woodward Library | Modern physics letters. B. | QC173.4.C65 M63 |
Woodward Library | Natural history. | QH1 .N13 |
Woodward Library | Nautilus; a quarterly devoted to the interests of conchologists. | QL401 .N3 |
Woodward Library | Nephrology nursing journal : journal of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association. | WY164 .A552 |
Woodward Library | Nucleic acid therapeutics | |
Woodward Library | Oberwalfach reports | |
Woodward Library | Offshore engineer. | TN871.3.O38 E64 |
Woodward Library | Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging Retina. | |
Woodward Library | ORNAC journal. | W1 .CA6324 |
Woodward Library | Orthopedics. | W1 .OR857 |
Woodward Library | Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. | TA593.A2 P5 |
Woodward Library | Proceedings of the … International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering = Comptes rendus du … Congres international de mecanique des sols et de la geotechnique. | TA775 .I45 |
Woodward Library | WHO Publications. (global subscription.) | |
Woodward Library | Quarterly journal of forestry. | SD1 .Q8 |
Woodward Library | Random lengths international : the report on global wood products markets. | HD9750.2.R35 L783 |
Woodward Library | Random lengths yearbook. | HD9750.2.R35 L45 |
Woodward Library | Random lengths. | HD9750.2.R35 L44 |
Woodward Library | RCM midwives : the official journal of the Royal College of Midwives. | WQ160 .R255 |
Woodward Library | Respiratory care : the official journal of the American Association for Respiratory Therapy. | W1 .RE6808 |
Woodward Library | Rivista del Nuovo cimento / a cura della Societa italiana di fisica. | QC1.R58 N8 |
Woodward Library | Russian mathematical surveys. | QA1 .R8 |
Woodward Library | SciBX. | ONLINE |
Woodward Library | Scientific American. | T1 .S5 |
Woodward Library | Seed science and technology. | SB117.S44 S35 |
Woodward Library | Small farm today. | S1 .M57 |
Woodward Library | Thyroid | |
Woodward Library | Training. | HF5549.5.T7 T67 |
Woodward Library | Veliger. | QL401 .V4 |
Woodward Library | Vitis / herausgegeben im Auftrage der Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Rebenzuchtung Geilweilerhof. | SB387 .V58 |
Woodward Library | Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research. | TD420.P76 W27 |
Woodward Library | Wood based panels international. | TS868 .W66 |