Rare materials from Rare Books and Special Collections,
While UBC Library does accept gifts-in-kind, some branches have instituted a temporary moratorium and cannot accept any gifted materials, including books, journals and other media at this time.
Please contact the subject specialist or branch head who will have their own set of criteria on what gifts they are willing to accept. This will depend on the collection needs and any special conditions. The following general guidelines may be helpful in informing what the library accepts:
- Rare or unique materials which fall within collecting policies
- Very current materials which would normally be ordered but have not yet been
- Duplicates of new materials if needed for student use or reserves
- In some instances, retrospective materials to build a new collecting area
- Current serial subscriptions which support the collections depth and breadth
- Local Vancouver or British Columbian publications not owned by the library
Endowments and Trust Funds
Generally over 96% of the Collections budget is derived from the general operating budget. The remainder is received from gifts, endowments and trusts, nearly all of which are set up for a very specific purpose. For more information contact the Library Development Office.
Please contact us if you wish to donate or if you have a collection of books or journals, manuscripts, research papers or subscriptions that you think would be of value to the Library. The decision to accept a gift-in-kind is based upon the existing collections and the demands, present and future, of the University’s teaching and research programs. Find out how to give from theĀ UBC Library Development Office